Now You See It
Thesis project, Pratt Institute
Empathic Design Methodology
New York, United States
Advisors :
Diego J. Kolsky,
Akiko Rokube,
Joo Yeon Chae
Now you see it is a project of participatory experiments for people to experience an intimate understanding of a specific viewpoint. Through experiments that simulate different visual perceptions of the target groups, empathy can be provoked in the audiences’ minds. After having their own personal experiences, the audience can get similar feelings and thoughts, then reshape their attitudes and actions towards the different community.
It provides a set of visual tool kit for people to experience different visual perspectives, for example, aging eyesights, colorblind and the vision of different species such as fish and insects. Moreover, one pair of goggles named “culture shock” presents the concept that a language barrier can also be a difficulty that needs to be solved with empathy.
Participants in this experiment were asked to wear certain goggles and pick up an “action card”. Each card has different instructions such as draw a picture, write a paragraph, read an article, and recognize color blocks. After finishing the task, they wrote their feedback regarding any design solution that might have come to their mind or any thoughts and feelings they had after the experiment.
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